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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Mr. Industry Exec
Comment Date: 00:08 on Jan 20 2010
Comment: For people saying it’s all gossip or have a weak stance to the situation, The Bible says we are to hold each other accountable. If we hide their sins or don't discuss it (not gossip) pastors all over the world will continue to ask Tye and Truth to minister to their flocks because they are not aware of what happened! Both were ministering until their sin was made public and kept ministering after they were caught, but you don't want to call them out!? Wake up! Da' Truth is still with Tye's wife. He’s hurting his wife & new babygirl. That's his free will choice and I think it's a bad one. Devil got him all messed up in the head and we men need to help him come to his senses, not remain silent and be in denial! We all need each other’s help when the temptations come! I bet he’d be back with his family if more of the Body publicly held him accountable! Sheldon Turner- you & many gospel music fans are blinded by an unbiblical admiration of men. Just because Tye's music is great you think this is not true? It is. If it wasn't I would've contacted the editor to post corrections immediately because then it would be gossip. Artists sin like us. I see things behind the scenes that you don't. They smoke cigarettes & weed, run women, are homosexuals, they watch porn, lie & cheat people out of money. Some repent, others don't care what they do because they have a mantle. For some artists, you mean nothing to them so stop coveting them. Let’s call the sin for what it is and let it be public just like they wanted their mantle and ministry to be, love on them, hold them accountable, sit them down for as long as it takes & help with the repentance process! We all need grace and mercy, not gossip (too far right) OR denial (too far left)! We men need more strong leaders in the church. Ladies, have your "feelings" and feel disappointed, but be strong too & demand repentance AS you pray for them.
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