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Article Title: Larry The Outlaw
Author of reported comment: Matthew
Comment Date: 16:03 on Jan 21 2010
Comment: After reading the web regarding Larry secret life and how he had a son from OZ in N.S.W his name is Daniel I am still not sure how to react to this news at the moment. It was a shame while Larry was alive going around like the Jewish leaders did telling us all how to live our lives for Christ and to love one another and telling us how the church is ill. But while he was telling us this he was going around doing what he wanted and committed adultery So to the Norman family I ask you? Where was the love because right up till Larry’s death Larry would not bring himself to admit to his own son that he was the father Even today if I am right and now that 2010 is here there is still no DNA in sight why is it? Are you hoping that if you prolong it they will no longer have the funds to keep going as you have funds to keep it going you all have control now of Larry estate to keep this going? To date you are still refusing to do this one act of love for Dan. Larry committed adultery tied to hide this from us all while he was still on this planet. Show Dan that you can do what Paul in his letters said to the church in 1 Cor 13 with out love you are nothing. So why not show it to Dan and his family and fans by doing the DNA test. Yes Larry like us have at times did thing we regret later But in the end it is not what we did that counts but what we do with it that counts Paul all so said love one anther like Christ loved the church. So to be forgiven one must admit what he did was wrong to the body of Christ and Larry never did this. I can assure you this is not going to go away anytime soon it is now starting to filter through and the longer you put this off the more we will not trust you. Larry has now gone so it is now up to you to make it right and give Dan his rightful place at your table Cheers Matthew from OZ
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