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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: jenice n xavier
Comment Date: 18:36 on Jan 26 2010
Comment: the word of God clearly states that God is just enough to forgive us of our sins if we ask for forgiveness(paraphrasing). The word of God does not discriminate but it applies to every saint of God. of course we all know that God does not want us to continue in sin because he is so gracious, however on the other hand he does not want us to stay and sulk, be depressed and dwell on our shortcomings. to admit or confess your sin is not to say that it is ok that you committed sin bu it is a humble start in letting God know that you are aware that you have gone against his will. everyone wll sin till the day they die wether they have the power of the holy ghost living on the inside of them or not. it is truly in our humanistic instinct to sin since the fall of adam but the what truly matters is the state of our heart. the prescence of true repentence is what the lord is looking for. thats why God is sooo awsome because he forgives us when nobody else will. T.R.U.T.H, keep ya head up and remember you are still an annointed man of God. you've reached many people in a way that is truly chosen for this time. Remember Gods word because you know it and have it down in your heart so dont bbe discouraged or dismayed. Repent(which im sure u already have), stay in the Lords face and listen to his instruction. keep on keeping on. The Lord forgives you. Its already done. I pray your strength in the Lord n JESUS name. AMEN!
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