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Article Title: Live: After All These Years
Author of reported comment: Mark Simmons
Comment Date: 00:12 on Jan 27 2010
Comment: Hi, I'm nephew of a Glorylander and son of their manager. As a youth I loved both the Beatles and the GloryLanders and hoped that one day I would be asked to join one of them! 40 years on I still sit by the telephone, guitar in hand, waiting for that call from Uncle Bill or Paul McCartney!! (It’s a lonely life!)What made the Glorylanders so good then? Well, Arthur and Ian were brilliant guitarists, Ian very understated, Arthur very over-stated (it was a dynamic combination.) Arthur had the big, excellent voice and Ian, the invisible singer, complemented it in a unique way, with subtle, dulcet harmonies. And (Uncle) Bill under-girded it all with solid bass vocals and instrumentation. But there was another unique factor - the fourth Glorylander! And who was that? Derek Simmons (Dad) their manager? Ria (Gullecki) Jones who sang with them on a few recordings and at some concerts? Harvey Crossland who played drums on two of their albums and many live concerts? No the fourth Glorylander, who was a major factor in their fruitful ministry, was Pete Howard. Pete played piano and guitar on their Volume two Album and, along with his sister, wrote many of the great Glorylander songs that are still blessing people today ("If ever there was just one day" "Are you going my way" "Not going to take my crown away") Pete has retired but still writes songs and lives in New Malden (away from the limelight!!) And whilst I feel very proud that my Uncle and Dad were a big part of a unique and wonderful musical ministry in the 60 & 70s lets give credit to my good friend Pete for all those wonderful songs full of Beatle-esque melodies and harmonies and most importantly - full of Christian truth! (What a combination!) So bless you all dear readers in 'Gloryland' as I go back to the phone and wait for that call!
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