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Article Title: Danny Taylor Dies
Author of reported comment: David
Comment Date: 15:36 on Jan 31 2010
Comment: Danny Taylor and I were very close friends at the time of his death. Just before he made his fateful trip to visit his brother Sammie in Tacoma, WA for his uncle Wally's 80th birthday, I was at his home in Oberlin, LA helping him with his computers. I was there for several hours talking and joking with Danny. His sight had began failing him. Two days before he left on his final journey, he called me to tell me about his trip, and on his return, we were going to take his albums on vinyl and remaster them onto CD with the newer audio editing software that is now available. Alas that time didn't happen. Danny and I shared a business together, and had a small 24-track songwriting studio in Oberlin, then in Oakdale, Louisiana. Danny often went on road trips, and talking about everything imaginable. I cannot count the hours and hours of time we spent together. Danny showed me how to write a song, improve my vocals, and how to produce good music. I am proud to have called him not only a friend, but almost like my brother. I appreciated knowing Danny Taylor, he gave me all the copies of his albums, and I will endeavor to remaster those albums this coming year.
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