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Article Title: Bob Dylan: The spiritual journey of a 20th century icon
Author of reported comment: john desmond
Comment Date: 17:56 on Feb 20 2010
Comment: I just think Dylan is a very regular guy who is not afraid to be himself. He sings about real life. I don't know if he had to convert to Christianity. Christianity became almost polytheistic when the Jewish flavor of it was overcome by pagans and they invented the Trinity. Dylan will always be a Jew. As Jesus will always be a Jew. And God will always be One. What so called Christians say is irrelevant. They don't agree with one and other and they cause a lot of trouble. I think Dylan appreciates Jesus as a spiritual Messiah. Not a political one which the Temple was longing for. His Jewish religion meshes easily with a belief in Jesus especially if he distances himself from most of Christianity which is pagan. Most Christians believe in a type of polytheism and a female goddess. Etc. His music has always been related to a spiritual belief. After his so called conversion to Christianity his mother commented that he had always been interested in Bible etc. Jesus is a Jew. Not a God. Bob Dylan is a Jew. But Jesus is who we Christians want to be like when we are resurrected. Sons of God. Bob's had a big struggle in life. Money, drugs, women, fame, creativity, introspection etc. But he's tried to express his likeness to God, the creativity thing as in Genesis One. It's an ongoing process just as in the chapter. He's a part of the mystical body of Christ. Not some dumb church with parking lots and other nonsense. I enjoyed reading what you had to say. John
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