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Article Title: Hip-Hop Crisis
Author of reported comment: MAXWELL SIBANDA
Comment Date: 15:11 on Feb 21 2010
Comment: hy man..a righteous man falls seven times but he still rises.i don rilly knoe how u cam to b in dis mess but one ting is certain rit now..u cant reverse the past.So man the way 4ward is wats important now..remember God knew u b4 u wre in yo mothers womb(jer 1),erefore he had a gret plan 4 yo life(with a victorious ending 2), wat maters nw is 4 u 2 finish yo race and finish it strong.tak the incident as a stepin stone 2 yo next level in ministry..we lav u man,be streghtened inward in the name of JESUS.
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