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Article Title: Live: After All These Years
Author of reported comment: Alan Barker
Comment Date: 11:04 on Feb 22 2010
Comment: I was with Bill during last week and he mentioned the blog on Cross rhythms. I am amazed to see the many bloggers I know.I became a Christian in the coffee bar era and the influence of the Glorylanders was significant for me. I was in Bill Simmons fellowship group from the same church. Ian Arthur and Bill were very much a part of my early Christian walk. The influence of the Christian message in Christian music and the influence and encouragement of other friends ... Mark Simmons and Pete Howard mentioned in the blog helped me to develop as a Christian Thanks to all who were around to show this style of "Jesus Music". I remain very supportive of reaching people through music. I have been a Cross Rhythms trustee since 1996 and share the role of Chairman of Cross rhythms Board. I am so exited by the CR web site being well used by Glorylander connections . We do connect and support Christians, but its primary goal is to reach the Youth through Christian music... Many Thanks to all the Godly people who were encouraged in their faith by the Glorylanders and the many other "groups" who emerged in the 60s and 70s. PS The original Cedric ( double bass) is owned and stored still by me. It made a good few stage appearances with The Navigators ( from Rochdale) and Springwater from Chadderton ( with Mark Simmons Pete Howard Alan and Ria Jones. One of the things that we trustees do is take every opportunity to invite our friends to consider supporting Cross Rhythms by giving. It would be great if I could encourage you to support financially. We now have an amazing outreach but we do this on shoe string budget. If you want to get involved in anyway please contact me through the Cross Rhythms office
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