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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 16:32 on Mar 10 2010
Comment: Continued...Over the years I have managed to continued to write, perform and record with a number of Seattle area artists as well as serving on various church worship teams. About ten years ago I traveled to the former Soviet Union to participate in a four-day event there. I taught workshops on the arts and played drums for some worhip teams, recording 4 CD's of live music in the Russian language. That was quite a life-changing experience. I imagine my life has been like most - full of blessings as well as challenges. But God is faithful. I am so proud of our three sons. My oldest is married and he and his wife are expecting my first grandchild! He has his Associates Degree in Theology and aspires to continue his studies. He is positioning himself to help plant a church here in town at this time. My second son is a musician / writer / singer who leads worship at our church. I have the thrill of serving with him on our team which has been an incredible blessing. Our youngest son is a Freshmen in college with a mind for the sciences which he gets from his mother! He is a great guy who is the comedian in the family and keeps us all laughing. They are our treasures and we are truly blessed. I'm sure this is a very poor attempt to respond to your question, but I've tried to hit some of the highlights. Thanks again for your interest in The WWB and I Am.
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