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Article Title: Larry The Outlaw
Author of reported comment: SBBG
Comment Date: 12:08 on Mar 13 2010
Comment: It seems to me that people have become focussed on the rumour, the scandal and the interpretation of a finite amount of events and information. The relentless selfish pursuit of the Norman family and/or estate brings no glory to God in the end; just self-satisfaction. Only God knows our hearts - it is better to give them to the Lord than to give them over to bitterness and earthly pursuits. Even if Larry Norman failed Daniel and his mother, God calls us to seek Him, not retribution or self-satisfaction. God cares about justice and what is right, but they are His to determine. All life is riddled with sin; why get down deeper in the muck when God calls us to serve one another; not demand things from one another for temporal gain. It saddens me to see Daniel & his mother so bent on temporal vindication when we should all be living for the Kingdom.
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