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Article Title: Challenging Islam's Apostasy Law
Author of reported comment: John Hubers
Comment Date: 03:47 on Mar 26 2010
Comment: While Dr. Sookhdeo is certainly correct in pointing out that more conservative interpretations of Shari'a law proscribe death for apostacy, he fails to underscore the diversity that exists even within Muslim countries. I had the great privilege of baptizing two Muslim converts in one of the Arabian Gulf states while I was pastor there. While their families certainly objected, there was never a threat on their lives. There was also a convert who lived openly as a convert, the son of a Shi'a village imam. And again, while his family did not accept this, leading to an initial ostracizing, he and his Christian wife eventually made peace with the parents who said: "this is our son. We can do no else but accept him." It's important to stress this as the perception among many in America who know little if anything about Islam is that it is a monolithic faith. It is not. No more, in fact, than Christianity is.
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