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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: brian jewkes
Comment Date: 10:33 on Mar 29 2010
Comment: Dear Mike, i have thought long and hard about responding to this. I am the B.Dukes? you mention in your article. I can assure you that i am not some rabid fan of Larrys who cannot accept unpleasant allegations about someone they care for. Neither do i think Mr Sabatino is the devil. I do however still think it is wrong for a Christian magazine or any other to put into print or give platform to unproven gossip. I may have come to the wrong conclusion over your friendship with Mr Sabatino, but your article does state you had prior contact before the interview. Mr sabatino also seems to have assumed a warm welcome from you, hence his irritation ,when he didnt recieve it. Btw. i have been a member of Larrys Phan club for years. I have never been coherced to buy anything, niether has Charley or any one else from Solid Rock tried to get me to boycott Mr Sabatinos film. As for not listening to your show before,not true , i have on several occassions, but never felt the need to respond until my friends character was assaulted. Its called loyalty. As for the gathering together of an ex wife and several disgruntled buisness partners , i would say it was a miracle anything good was said about Larry. If when we die , would we want such a group of those who have had differences withus in life ,be the ones to celebrate it. Mike I have not now, and nither then any annimosity towards you , and wish you well. Finally , the last communication i had with Larry he requested that all his friends continued to pray for Mr Sabatino and not to be hostile towards him.
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