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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: J. Nordstrom
Comment Date: 03:17 on Apr 2 2010
Comment: Exactly, Allen. Di Sabatino's documentary does not function due to its obvious bias, heavy-handed tone, and poor references. If people want a "Larry Norman Story," they need everybody's involvement. I can't imagine how Di Sabatino could imagine that his documentary could be authoritative or "authentic" without the Norman family's participation. Di Sabatino jumped the gun to make the documentary so soon. The documentary will not have the longevity of a more balanced, journalistic work. It will always be a "fringe" documentary, useful for the snippets from the interviews, but useless as a "Bible Story." The documentary will never gain the respect of historians, except as a footnote. I look forward to reading your book and your responses to the documentary, Allen.
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