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Article Title: Meet Julie Miller
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:22 on May 18 2010
Comment: I have this classic cd by Julie; yes a great fave. "What would JESUS do" was one the first songs I heard on ccm radio when it debuted. Of course the song included vocals of 2 outstanding ccm artists, Russ Taff and Amy Grant. I luv the sincerity in Julie's vocals. And "Broken Things" who can forget from her second cd. The Williams Bros. covered this song so beautifully on their "Harmony Hotel" cd. She has also contributed on several ccm artists projects to include, Benny Hester, Russ Taff (from "Our Hymns") and the late Mark Heard. Other artists have recorded her songs as well. GOD Bless! -Don
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