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Article Title: Parental Advisory Notice
Author of reported comment: Pastor D.A.
Comment Date: 19:03 on May 19 2010
Comment: Tonex', This is not an attack on you, but I want just you to know that I admire you for coming forth and telling the truth about your sexuality. My daughters were BIG fans of your during the roughest part of their teen years, because they were trying to find someone that could relate to them through music. You were their pick! Although now, they feel somewhat abandoned because the one they looked up to doesn't seem to be there for them and all of the others that followed them with your music. As Pastors his left us with deep concern, hurt, and regret for our daughters. I just wanted you to know this because our young people are searching for the truth and we know who the truth is...Jesus Christ. Again, we can appreciate your honesty about your life, at least you had the guts to come forward. Your in our thought and prayers.
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