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Article Title: Just Sit Back
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 01:00 on May 21 2010
Comment: I have this lp in the original vinyl format; great lp! This is the album where "Light at the end of Darkness" first appeared feat. vocals of Larry Gatlin. The song he co-wrote with pioneer Jamie Owens-Collins "Look How Far You've Come" (song also is on Jamie's "Straight Ahead" lp). The well-known Andrea Crouch co-wrote "Nobody" with Chris,and sings along on the number as well. The song "Safe Inside YOUR Arms" was the first song that I heard from this album on ccm radio; luved it . The popular "Livin' for YOU" is also contained on some of his hit collection cds. The song "Living Sacrifice" is sung as a chorus in churches. I would luv to find this one on cd. The album sports 6 songs per side, 2 extra #"s (norm. is usually 5 per side). GOD Bless! - Don
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