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Article Title: Jesus Culture: Kim Walker speaks about the powerful worship ministry from California
Author of reported comment: judi
Comment Date: 00:37 on May 27 2010
Comment: I just wrote this & it wouldn't send so hope u don't get twice. I was depressed, had just moved cross country & didn't know anyone & missed my friends. I was coming out of a deep depression & cutting. I was driving & you came on singing Can't hold back my love for you & I pulled over & was singing along & realized I was happy for the 1st time In a long time. Love it when u laugh in your songs just makes it contagious. I pray you and yours will be richly Blessed & that you take care of yourself first & stay with The Great Physician so you can continue to Bless us lost & numbs hurting ones. Thank u Kim & our Savior for giving you this wonderful gift. Judi for Christs sake.
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