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Article Title: Feels Like Dynamite
Author of reported comment: Ben
Comment Date: 11:09 on May 27 2010
Comment: I admire how [dweeb] can alternate their style whilst keeping the foundations in place which is what makes them who they are. I'm not sure I can agree that It's OK is a highlight (nor that the acoustic beginning is 'pointless' but rather it leads you into its sudden start) although I can understand the direction they have taken with that song to create a wider audience. If I had to choose one favourite I would choose We are the ones. Certainly the album as a whole is impressive and songs such as Mountains for Molehills and Silence is Golden take you back to previous [dweeb] releases which is brilliant, it shows progression and a 'moving forward' within the band rather than a sudden 'what the hec' sort of change and image. On the whole the production is very fitting and spot on although their are a couple of times, like in Blunt incision where I feel the rhythm guitar could be a bit more driven throughout the main guitar riff but has purposely been toned down. Although an applause is deserved for the extension of 'everybody lets get something going' and the changes they have made towards the end with time signatures and other little bits. Can't wait to see them on their tour! 8/10
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