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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Cecelia
Comment Date: 05:52 on May 30 2010
Comment: Although I am thankful that Terry was in counseling, something must have gone wrong if the marriage was not reconsiled. Too many of our worship leaders and pastors run through a course, and take a few months off. What I would like to know is why would you go back to ministry if you can't resolve the issue with your relationship Greta. Who is on her side. Who is making sure that her and her family is taking care of. This is a selfish act, yes there are two sides but come on. When as a society do we condone an act, and then pat the person on the back after a few months. I know that God is trying to bring us all back in right relationship, but do you really feel that it is ok to bring someone back in ministry, just because? I loved the music he wrote, don't get me wrong, but all I see is that people just want him back because they missed his music, and are not looking at the big picture as to why this happened, and will it happen again? Is he (Terry) strong enough to move away from a support group, and try to make this happen on his own. I'm just saying, look at the bigger picture.
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