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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: MJ's biggest fan
Comment Date: 08:14 on Jun 1 2010
Comment: man that sucks. U know people fornicate, and commit adultry all the time. But when ur in a position of leadership, people look up to you and ur not allowed to slip, because if u do ur following will lose confidence in u and sometimes even in ur cause in this case christian music of even God himself for the people that are not as strong in the lord. Also when ur that high up U get very busy and the time u had to spend in prayer is taken up with photoshoots and ensuring your status doesnt fall. Thats a consistent pitfall to christian men and women. "FAME" But who am I to judge that could of been me. Or someone I loved. Notice how the people who dont slip like that were rooted like a tree planted by a river of water before the fame kicked in. but even King David slipped... more than once... same with Peter the apostle that literally walked with God for three years in physical form.
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