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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: James Swan
Comment Date: 16:19 on Jun 14 2010
Comment: Mike, I just listened to your interview with Charles Norman, and then read this article. It appears the last chapter is yet to be written on the Larry Norman saga. I appreciated both your article and interview. Initially, Mr. Disabatino's movie appeared to make sense of some of the larger-than-life mythology that's surrounded Larry. I've been a big Norman fan for many years as well. Like many who've read your article, I have quite an LN collection, spanning back three decades. About 20 years ago my friends and I would jest about some of Larry's claims- as I grew older, I realized some of Larry's stories sounds a bit suspicious. I never doubted his faith in Christ, the stories though seemed to get bigger as they went on. Like you, I've interviewed David Disabatino about the movie, and the interview went fine. Probably David and I would have more theological disagreements than anything else. Recently I heard Mr. DiSabatino claim the song "Baby Out Of Wed-lock" was about Charles Norman. I've grown a bit more suspicious as to exactly what's going on with David's take on Larry. I don't think everything David has put forth is false, but I do wonder if perhaps there really is another side to all this that paints a bit different picture of Larry Norman. Perhaps David's movie isn't telling exactly the entire story. From the response of Charles about also being Larry's son, it appears David may not be checking all his facts as carefully as he should. -continued-
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