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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: James Swan
Comment Date: 16:29 on Jun 14 2010
Comment: I would like to take issue with you over this idea from your article: "Di Sabatino has a passion for telling what he terms 'biblical stories' where God will use flawed and broken people to carry out his work." The problem as I see it with artists like Larry Norman, is that they typically aren't responsible to... anyone. I would really be interested in you interviewing Steve Camp on his 107 Theses for the reform of Christian music: Theses 65: God has designed genuine ministry to be inseparable from the life and leadership of the local church. Any ministry that does not strengthen one's commitment to the local church is inconsistent with the purposes of Christ. Steve outlines Biblical reasons why Christian artists should love the church, and then states: 71. In response to these truths and to insure a life of godliness and holiness and to guard against blind spots in personal life issues, vocation and theology-submission to the plurality of godly leaders within the church is essential. 72. We are to obey, honor and pray for the faithful pastors in the church who have been given this sacred trust. They are those who are instructed by the Lord to keep watch over our souls as ones that will give an account. Woe to the shepherds who do not take their responsibility to shepherd the flock of God seriously. They dishonor the Savior. They disobey the Scriptures. They diminish their office and defame their calling. 73. In the case of a Christian being overtaken in sin, proper discipline must be exercised within the church to bring about restoration and reconciliation. This is to confirm repentance and to guard the purity of one's life personally as well as the entire body of Christ corporately. If Christian musicians continue to do whatever they want to, being responsible to no one, history will probably prove there are a lot more documentaries of Christian musicians for Mr. DiSabatino to make.
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