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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Marsha
Comment Date: 18:55 on Jun 15 2010
Comment: It is not as deep as people make it. We are all in the flesh. Just like worldly artist, entertainers and actors if you do not allow God to show you how to handle the spotlight and keep your marriage tight you will fall. Period!!! It is not deep or spooky. I heard Chris Rock on the Tavis Smiley Show the other day. He said a Sr. entertainer told him, "Chris Man, GO HOME!!!" It is called common sense! If these preachers and singers that have been blessed by God to have fame and fortune don't adjust their schedules to include time for relationship w God and family they will fall into the trap every single time. It's sad that the word has more sense than the church. But the bible says that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the light. We go about things so naive and super-deep spiritual spooky that we throw good old common sense out the window. All the while the world and sinners are shaking their heads looking for the light.
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