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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Lance DeMers
Comment Date: 15:56 on Jun 23 2010
Comment: Thank you for your very kind words, Sylvia. It means so much to me that folks still remember and enjoy hearing the WBB. Kraig Wall had written the music for this song and asked me to consider writing some lyrics for it. It was an attempt to write a "conversational" lyric, as if I were talking to a close friend who is struggling in their walk with Jesus and trying to encourage them to press on in faithfulness to him. The "friend" was a composite of several friends who had been struggling as young Christians and the lyric was born out of times when I would try to reach out with a word of encouragement to them. This song was originally written as a slower ballad and I remember rehearsing it that way quite a few times, although I don't think we ever performed it that way. If memory serves, I believe it was Randy Nelson, who has been known to contribute to this blog, who came up with the more up-tempo arrangement that became the recorded version that you now know. Randy is a talented musician and arranger who was a great asset to our sound and stage presentation as well as our studio work. He could frequently hear a fresh direction for a song and was often a guiding light in our arrangements. "Clouds Of Glory" is another example of Randy taking what I had written as a basic rock and roll song to a whole new level with his beautiful arrangement. God bless Randy and God bless you, Sylvia for including us in your all-time favorites! What a great honor.
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