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Article Title: Document Records: An unlikely treasure trove of vintage gospel music
Author of reported comment: jULIE
Comment Date: 13:57 on Jun 24 2010
Comment: Great article however I wander where do you have the evidence for the following quote from your article? "It's long been a strange cultural phenomenon that today's African American community shows little or no interest in their own musical history and it's been largely white record collectors and academics who've continued to investigate the groundbreaking black music of the early decades of recording history" I am slightly, in fact very, offended by this statement. I wander where people think many Afro-American (& Afro-Caribbean) singers get their influence from? There are MANY Black artists and singers from 50s, 60s, 70s who never had their songs recorded due to financial difficulties but who are still looked up to today in the Afro-American/Caribbean community. Hmm think such a blanket statement in your article should have been ommitted really...what has race to do with great music being stored. I am grateful that these recordings are still around and that they can be accessed and rekindled for modern day music lovers. Thanks from a Christian Afro-Caribbean music lover who enjoys ALL styles of music!
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