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Article Title: Fly Free
Author of reported comment: Joe
Comment Date: 03:10 on Jun 30 2010
Comment: This reviewer missed the point of the CD entirely. It's about getting free, Jesus came to set us free, to fly free. There is no song entitled "I will fly." The song I think he is referring to is "I Will Rely" and it is piano driven. I beg to differ re: Kathleen's vocals. They are anointed & bring healing. When Kathleen released this CD she did a lot of new things. I think the reviewer was not truly listening or listened only to samples -- there are plenty of adventures to remind one to look up to God for hope, love and to be set free. If you are looking for something to sound like everything else, this is not it. But if you want a strong message with new music aptly undergirding lyrics, this is a good choice. I give it a 9-10.
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