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Article Title: Andy Thornton: Filling The Void Of Grief With Creativity
Author of reported comment: Alan M
Comment Date: 14:49 on Jul 11 2010
Comment: Can't believe there has only been one comment in all this time. I've known Andy's music for about 12 years now, heard him play live many times, spoken to him briefly, often mused about the kind of person he might be as I listened to his music, but this is the first time I have read anything about him, and it confirms much of my musings (not a great feat given that he wears his heart on his sleeve in his songs). I love his profound thoughts on art and music in this article. And I love 'The Healing Darkness' which I bought in 2005 (also got 'Sunflower Girl- but i prefer the former, especially as it has 'Sunk Without Trace' on it!). Despite never having been through anything of the kind Andy has i 'got' the title even as i read it the first time. It's a very beautiful, beautiful album. Thank you Andy.
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