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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: louree
Comment Date: 00:46 on Jul 14 2010
Comment: Terry, Your anointing only flows through a chosen few. it is a gift most precious and rare. Lunch with the Lord was like nothing I have ever experienced before or since. What a remarkable season. Nights of Glory ministered to so many in the Body. There was a holy awe in those gatherings. But how many times dear brother did you say that the very Presence of the Lord could mend anything, in the atmosphere of worship reconciliation was what the Lord intended. Emotional healing, spiritual healing, as well as physical healing. Oh dear brother, the testimonies are many as you know, of bonds being restored as that is the very heart of what our "Daddy" does with His kids, His elect. Those were not hollow words, they were manna direct from heaven for those called unto His purposes. In celestial air as you dubbed it, all is possible. I don't understand and can't fathom why you live alone and have sought separation from what was joined in heaven. I believe talent and gifts are glorious, but if they sever ties that are part of the very foundation of our faith (home, family), do they not become as clanging brass to a Holy God. Oh dear brother no condemnation only hope that what I witnessed those many Wednesday's would manifest in you. I don't think counselling achieved anything for many that came to those meetings, but the Presence of our Lord did the impossible, it removed the barriers, it refreshed the ties, and it brought "wonders" to that which was dead, broken and scarred. You know this, you experienced it, in the most unbelievable of situations. God had His way. When the Lord bestows authority, it comes with responsibility. Success in the Lord requires obedience. Oh brother rethink your steps, use Godly wisdom and not earthly excuses. Nothing is too difficult for those who will humble themselves. Blessings and Shalom!
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