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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: louree
Comment Date: 14:09 on Jul 15 2010
Comment: terry, Lunch with the Lord changed the whole climate and purpose in my spiritual walk. Gathering every week to worship and have the glory fall on all who attended. Nothing compares to being in the very presence of the Lord. So many miracles, so many testimonies of restoration of the Body and relationships that were strained united. Oh the beauty of that! So how is it possible, for a man with a gifting so unique, so strong, so in tune with the heavenlies. Was not able to have restoration, reconciliation in his marriage? Was God not as big for you in this area? How is it that evil won (divorce) between two beautiful charismatic pentecostal people living for the same purpose? There is no sense at all in this. And you are starting up Nights of Glory again in TX, why? If isn't true or real in your own walk, if the power of the living Lord isn't enough for you and Greta, then I don't see the point at all of you ministering. How can you lift up Jesus, magnify the Lord of Lords, and be divorced from a godly woman? Those don't gel. I am not judging, honest, I am earnestly trying to process this horrific attack on the Body. And seriously, my heart just aches over it. Severing families isn't what our Lord is about, what our faith is about, and it is just overwhelmingly sad! lw
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