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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Dede Bee
Comment Date: 02:05 on Jul 17 2010
Comment: I have loved Brother Terry and his music since 2005. I am always blessed when I listen to any of his songs. I was however broken when I heard about his situation and kept believing in God for his restoration. I kept looking online to hear of his return and I am glad I have heard something about that today. I know this is just the beginning, greater things are yet to unfold. My sincere prayer for him now is to be joined again to his wife. Divorce was something I pleaded with God not to allow to happen to my parents when I was young and He surely did answer me even at a time when all hope seemed lost. The word of God is still emphatic against divorce, "what God has put together, let no man put asunder". The 'no man' means no man including any of the couples. Other than what Jesus prescribed, none can choose according to his own will to divorce. I therefore agree with the others that Brother Terry should allow God's perfect will for him to prevail. To God be all Glory, forever, Amen.
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