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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Naomi
Comment Date: 12:29 on Jul 25 2010
Comment: The wonderful annointed words and music of Terry McAlmon came into my life a few years ago whilst listening to Premier Christian radio. The song was Even So, I was immediately captivated by the piano intro and then this powerful but gentle voice ,almost like a lullaby, came across the airwaves. I had to stop preparing lunch and just dwell in the prescence of the Holy Spirit for next 5 minuits or so.Since then I have told many folk about Terry's music and they too are being blessed. Thank you so much. Terry, we miss you so much, the Lord has used you to reach so many folk in such a meaningful way, opening us up to the prescence of the Holy Spirit in an instant, whatever task we are performing whilst listening to your music.Thank you so much. Whatever has happened in the past is known to God and He has forgiven you. We have no right to condemn or criticise. As God has forgiven you so should we and move on. May God richly bless you in the task He has planned for you.
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