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Article Title: A Diamond Date
Author of reported comment: vic
Comment Date: 11:07 on Aug 3 2010
Comment: if only evolutionists could hear themselves talk. every single lie creationists are accused of are shamelessly perpetrated by secular scientists. one guy even acts like the catholic church is christian and uses that fallacy to indict creationists. but thats the kind of ignorance we're up against. summer is an ignorant liar, who assumes that a "real" scientist wouldn't agree with the writer(by real she means a God hating biased evolutionist). rick starr fares no better when he says that "Um, it's not vaguely consistent with that position. Even if it is "less" than 57,000 years old, it might be 51,000 years old, which is nowhere close to the 6,000 year figure Bible literalists claim. There is a lot more room for "Bzzt. WRONG" than "certainly consistent" there." The point was that the dates were hopelessly off but because it didn't implicitly say 6000 yrs, in his addled naturalistic philosophy, he claims some kind of "victory" when in actuality his faith was dealt a huge blow. The fact is not a single person starts out without presuppostions or assumptions. Evos' are just more rampant and ridiculous and above all, unprovable.
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