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Article Title: Inception
Author of reported comment: Simon Dillon
Comment Date: 12:29 on Aug 4 2010
Comment: I disagree with the comment above, claiming there are no morals or values. Everything has morals and values, but the question is whose morals and values? In the case of Inception there at least four possible interpretations of the ending, two obvious, two less so. Depending which interpretation is taken, the moral is altered accordingly. SPOILER WARNING: For example, in one possible interpretation, everything should be taken at face value. In this scenario, a certain amount of moral relativism comes into play because 1) the catharsis Cillian Murphy’s character achieves by making peace with his estranged father is false, and 2) the espionage is successful. Alternatively, if Saito and Cobb are still in “limbo” at the end, then it is actually a strong moral tale, since both the “thief” and his employer are both trapped as a direct result of their illegal actions. I shan’t detail the complexities of other two interpretations, but in one the entire film takes place in limbo, and in another the film actually takes place in Cobb’s wife’s subconscious. In addition to this, there are certainly allegories that can be drawn about drugs. Or, on a spiritual level, there is a kind of possession/exorcism theme going on too. Frankly, I think the reason this film is a masterpiece (beyond the fact that it’s simply a really, really cool heist movie with a terrific story, amazing action scenes and great characters) is because it has these multiple levels of interpretation. Some audiences like everything tied up in a nice neat bundle, but ambiguity is appropriate here, and as such I believe the film will stand up over time and repeat viewings.
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