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Article Title: Shipwrecked Faith
Author of reported comment: Pat Nastasi
Comment Date: 01:54 on Aug 16 2010
Comment: I truthfully accept what God has told me here of how someone can shipwreck their faith. There is no once saved always saved here. But I have made the mistake of lying to someone tonight. I have made so many mistakes it's not funny. God forbid I continue in my sins. I have been growing in Christ but I keep making mistakes and I hate it. I hate it. I grieve the Holy Spirit every time I sin. I have been taking on some extra jobs to make a little more money and I haven't been reading like I once did and I have been tired. I still pray and read but not like before. Sin is of the devil and I'm NOT to practice sin, especially where the book of Hebrews says, if we willfully sin there is no longer a sacrifice. That scripture scares me and some others do to. But anyway, please write me back. Pat
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