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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Deylan Rodrigues
Comment Date: 04:59 on Aug 22 2010
Comment: Hi Terry, I know you been going through a hard time.... But DO NOT give up. The Lord has called you with a purpose. Do not let Him down. Get yourself strengthened before Him and focus on what He wants you to do. Its been tough, but the Lord will help you and give you all the support you need. He knows you more than anyone knows you. He will not let you down. He wants you to come back. As you depend on Him these days, He will fully equip you. Do not look back. I know what I'm saying might be hard to do, but you got no option but to fulfill His calling in your life in these last days. The Lord is with you. Don't worry about what has happened. Get yourself strengthened in His Presence. Jesus Is with you. The Lord will heal your brokenness... Look ahead into the purpose He has for you,, fulfill it. We are here on earth for few years or months before He comes and takes His bride back home. Lets do the best we can for Jesus. We don't have any time to waste or any distractions to take away our time which is precious at this point of time. The Lord has a purpose, fulfill it. I don't want you to miss out on the revival which He wants to bring through you. Lets fulfill the desire of His heart. Contact me if you still feel discouraged. Blessings, Deylan
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