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Article Title: Inception
Author of reported comment: Alan Chesters
Comment Date: 23:30 on Aug 25 2010
Comment: I was very interested to read your review, Simon. I had previously heard continual gushing comments about the movie after Mark Cermode and Simon Mayo gave their verdict on Radio 5 Live. A couple of weeks ago, after a return journey of 2 hours to take our daughter to respite care, I collected my wife from home and drove a return journey of 1.5 hours into Plymouth, hoping for a really pleasant movie experience, especially as this had to follow an all too quickly snatched bite to eat and a much shortened hospital visit to my wife's dad. The movie failed to live up to my expectations (my wife was also greatly unimpressed) to such a degree that it spoilt the start of our respite weekend and if I could have turned the clock back we would have spent longer at the hospital and then had a nice meal. Neither of us lack intelligence and we understood that what was placed before our eyes was very clever but it was so far short of credibility that we were not entertained. It's difficult to explain the effect it had. I had no wish to see it again, now or ever and I've never been so let down by a 'hyped' movie. Perhaps, in the responsibility of reviewing some 'great' movies there is room to add that it could be far from some people's liking. (I found your review because I've been in touch and supporting CR for many years.) Blessings, Alan.
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