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Article Title: It's Not Over
Author of reported comment: Monica McCormack
Comment Date: 12:57 on Sep 7 2010
Comment: What can I say about this song, it is uplifting, amazing, encouraging and a blessing to the body of Christ. If you are out there and you think things are over for you, Mercyb is reassuring you through this song by the inspiration of the Spirit,that it's not over. If I were you, I will go now on Mercyb's website and order a copy of this song and also get as many copies as possible for your friends and relatives. It is not over until you win in Jesus Name. I am a great fan of Mercyb because she is an original and has her own style. She loves the Lord and is not flaky like many out there today. You may not have heard her yet but watch the space and you'll see Mercyb soaring high on wings like an eagle. GO MERCYB GO IT IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE. Your great fan Monica
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