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Article Title: Doing My Best Vol 2
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 00:17 on Sep 17 2010
Comment: I have this cd contained within my huge ccm collection. I luv the 1984 duet with ccm songstress Michele Pillar, "Love's Not a Feeling", great song!! Steve also duets on 1987 song "One on One" with another ccm great, Margaret Becker. I have to say that these 2 songs mentioned are among my favorites on the cd. Steve Camp listeners will note that many of his older pioneering songs are not included on either of his "Doing my Best" cd's: he began recording on the myrrh label for his first 3 or 4 lp's if I recall. His 2007 Definitive Collection has his older recordings; it's a great cd to have! GOD Bless! - Don
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