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Article Title: We Will Stand: Yesterday and Today
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 02:14 on Sep 19 2010
Comment: I have this cd collection in my huge ccm library, wouldn't be complete without it. Russ' first solo "We Will Stand", a signature song for him is one of the best loved hi-lights from the cd. "Winds of Change", "I Cry", Trumpet of JESUS" and "Praise the LORD", are among cd favorites. I had disappointment when the video hit "I'm not Alone" didn't make this cd collection from 1985 "Medals" cd/lp. I also like the song from 1989 "Farther On". Gary Chapman's "YOUR Love Stays with Me" closes this collection of songs; it would be Russ' newest recording to date for 1994. I have several songs in video format from this cd. GOD Bless! -Don
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