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Article Title: Amy Grant: Divorce, Healing And The Old, Old, Hymns
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 16:14 on Sep 20 2010
Comment: First off, to Lisa M's reply to Katie M's comments. Katie DID NOT state that divorce was 7th commandment, she stated that it goes against the 7th commandment. NO WHERE does it state in the Bible that we "ONLY" have to follow the 10 commandments! Lisa M. question "Do you know what it is to commit adultery?" Read Matthew 5:32 & chapt.19:9 (JESUS' words!). Lisa M. it doesn't sound like you even know the basic 10 commandments that well; or even understand them! Everyone here is just commenting on the article. The article, I feel, should have been fact-based; no need to add rumours, there are plenty of them out there! NO ONE is throwing stones, just stating opinions and commenting. I am not a fan of articles like this, Amy belongs to GOD; in fact we all do!(Ps.24:1). GOD is the Judge! Let us not forget this!
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