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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Son of Judah
Comment Date: 19:53 on Oct 1 2010
Comment: The truth is my people of Israel,Babylon(USA) has turnd us agaist our father YAH(GOD) and has changed the ways of our people.The point is,In actuallity,a man has ben givin the Yahly(Godly) right to have another wife.Yah(GOD) never said it was wrong for the man to married more than one woman.In fact he said that his Kingdom is like it(Matt25).He never gave that option to the woman(1 Cori7:39).But a man is definately not supposed to take another mans wife.It is worthy of death(Levi20:10).But/also,no one is to commit fornication and thats somethan we all know.If Tye had married her it wouldn't have been sin.But,as a people we are still stif'necked like he called us back in the old time.Is it illegal in the US?Yes.But,Is it right with YAH(GOD)??YES IT IS!!Will you take a stand for righteousness and stand up to this beastly system that is before you?I am.Even if I stand alone like the Prophets did.My prayer is that my people(ISRAEL) WAKE UP NOW!!!He is returning soon.To the BLACKS OF AMERICA,U ARE JUDAH.CHECK OUT THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL.MOST OF THE COLORED PEOPLE ARE YAHS(GODS) CHOSEN.BLACKS,MEXICANS,LATINOS,HAITIANS,JAMAICANS,PUERTO RICANS,INDIANS,ect..WAKE UP!!!!
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