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Article Title: Happy Man
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:10 on Oct 6 2010
Comment: Here it is!! BJ's second ccm album filled with so many memorable songs. Of course, no cc album of BJ's would be complete, without recording penned songs by the wonderful Archie P. Jordan. Archie wrote or co-wrote 7 of the 10 songs on this album; highly commendable!!and of course BJ's voice hi-lites them so wonderful!! CCM Vet Chris Christian's song "From the Start" (which I luv) starts off side 1. CCM pioneer Pat Terry's song "Happy Man" begins side 2 of the lp. "Beautiful Music" and "What a Difference YOU'VE Made" are done soo well by BJ. CCM pioneer, aka first lady off ccm Amy Grant, also recorded these 2 great songs for her debut album a year prior. This is another nice album to have by BJ. GOD Bless! -Don
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