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Article Title: My House
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 22:12 on Oct 12 2010
Comment: I am amazed by all the wonderful compliments of those individuals who remember this great, timeless cd of wonderful songs. I had heard the cd title song "MY House" play on ccm radio; I connected with the song immediately! Great song Ron! Not too long after "MY House" came the beautiful "There's Some- body Out There": I fell in luv with this song right away, and who cannot relate to this song!! I cannot say enought about this wonderful arrangement. The vocals of ccm pioneer songstress Kelly Willard is heard on this cd of songs; she compliments any song! I just luv the song "Home". CCM Artist Billy Sprague co-wrote "Strength of my Heart" (a song from 1984). The song "B.A.D." will have it's place in the halls of ccm history. "Water the Seeds", a great song to close with;what believer cannot relate to this song!! I remember when I bought this cd; i.e. when it was released for sale, it was February 1993. I am glad I have this cd! GOD Bless! -Don
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