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Article Title: The New Earth
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 16:11 on Oct 14 2010
Comment: In the fall of 1976 John recorded songs for this new album; I happened to find a rare copy on cd in the early 90's. The cd cover has the original artwork on the cover; was glad to see that!! I had heard a trio sing a cover version of his song "Cast Down Your Cares"; I just luved it!! What a beautiful song, that needs only an acoustic to accompany. Thank you for that wondrous song John; I luv it completely!! The album begins with a 3 song set entitled "The Suite"; it is 8 1/2 minutes worth the listening pleasure. "Dance with HIM" has that early touch of ccm sound. What an awesome entwining of banjo strings on "The Coming": a touch of dueling banjos. The title song "The New Earth" is quite another note- worthy song. The last song "Let the People Sing Amen" is a great chorus song for churches. CCM collector's/listeners, I would urge you to add this to your list if you do not have it!! GOD Bless!-Don
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