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Article Title: Heart Of The Journey
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:27 on Oct 14 2010
Comment: Here it is, Michele's 4th and final cd recording!! Produced by the wonderful lyricist Phil Madeira. The cd title "Heart of the Journey" begins this set of songs. It is just a great ccm song; luv the pop music style, and the lyrics; known songwriter Phil Maderia co-wrote the song and assists with background. You will note Phil Madeira's slide guitar solo on the song. Phil along with other songwriters Gordon Kennedy & Wayne Kirkpatrick add their vocals to "Something Wonderful" & others; another cd fave. Incidentally, the 3 guys would join with ccm vet Billy Sprague & record a cd by their last names in 2000. I must add that the background vocals for the songs on this cd are superb!!;great sound! Billy & Sarah Gaines add their nicely polished gospel voices to "Come by Here". Background vocalist Kenny Meeks harmonizes so wonderful on "Do You Know HIS Heart". Michele leaves us with an anthem we have all heard in our lives, "My Redeemer Lives"; a beautiful song written by Charlene Cosman. Nicole C. Mullen once again reminded us of these words in 2001 with her hit song "Redeemer"; "I Know My Redeemer Lives!". Anyone notice that on Michele's cd photos that, she likes to wear hats. No doubt that Michele's songs will have their place in the halls of ccm history. GOD Bless! -Don
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