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Article Title: A Song In The Night
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:41 on Oct 18 2010
Comment: This wonderful trio of Betsy, Georgian and Patty, release another timeless album of recordings. The starter song on side 1 is absolutley an album classic;"A Song in the Night"(lp title);great song!! The first song on side 2 "A New Beginning" is actually the first song that I ever heard by them. This song is surely one of the album's stand out numbers; to be remembered in the halls of ccm history. "Elya" has that pop stylish sound similar to pop group Abba; the song is based on a true story. "Cinderella's Dream" is very sentimental in style and lyrics. Georgian's vocals shine on "Forgiven". "Love Came Softly" is a song that I really like; great ccm sound!: the last line in the chorus is awesomely sung!! Another classic lp. GOD Bless! -Don
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