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Article Title: The "M" Word
Author of reported comment: Martin Hill
Comment Date: 20:29 on Oct 23 2010
Comment: Our society has levels of acceptance toward excess that are frightening. It is socially acceptable to binge eat and drink but those who use and abuse illegal substances get shorter shrift. The truth is that none of this excess should be acceptable because, as a result, someone else somewhere in the world suffers. Those who go without because of our societies hedonism. Our demand for escapism, indulgence, material possessions shame us and we have a lesson to learn. I doubt that those who earn excessive amounts, and will continue to do so despite the governments squeeze on the middle income, will ever reign in their excesses. I hope that those of us in the middle will set the social norm of moderation. Paul (the bible writer) did say that the secret of life is to be content with little of much. We need to be content with living a life that accepts our responsibility to others in the global village gladly.
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