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Article Title: Common Creed
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 22:39 on Oct 25 2010
Comment: Great cd by a wonderful songwriter/singer/musician. The cd opener "Common Creed" is an amazing ccm song; luv the chorus of this song! I will never forget when I heard "The Love of CHRIST"; what a song!! Wes co-wrote this song with ccm vet Michael Card; and Michael W. Smith assisted with the music: no wonder it is a superb song!! A true masterpiece!! thank you Wes, Michael C. & Michael W. for this song. Oh, and by the way, ccm's Babbie Mason joins in with the choir of the song!! I have "Life is Precious" on video version. "Fisher of Men" will have its place in the halls of ccm history. This cd is top notch material! Way to go Wes! GOD Bless! -Don
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