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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: nicole
Comment Date: 16:41 on Oct 29 2010
Comment: this isn't about forgiveness at all. it's about what God has advised us to do and us not listening. God is very forgiving. The only reason he says not to divorce is because he knows the damage it causes to everyone involved. anyone who truly has a relationship with Christ absolutely knows that there is restoration and forgiveness for Patti and her family. what the gentleman above is saying is that because she is in the public eye, in a place of influence, she should have step down for a time and dealt with her divorce and family privately. divorce, according to the bible, and God, is a wrong choice. but if that is the choice, there is also forgiveness and hope. it's just not the best choice, and God wants more for us that a broken family and a, perhaps, long journey of healing. anything he says "no" to, is only to protect us and give us a fulfilling life.
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