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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Stephanie Layne
Comment Date: 20:17 on Nov 3 2010
Comment: Actually, I disagree with you. God recognizes the laws of the land. He has set up laws for us to follow and wants us to follow the laws of the land as well. With that said, because Polygamy is against the law, the Lord recognizes this and does not give us permission to break the law. So no, he could not have taken this woman on to be a wife. ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. No one sin is greater than the other. If you LIE to someone, your sin is just as bad as someone committing adultery. Recognizing your actions as a sin and recommitting yourself to God is what God wants for us, so do not look down upon one person for a sin and not another. If someone asks God for forgiveness than that is all that matters. I have sinned, you have sinned, we ALL have sinned. Tye got back up and returned to his Maker and for that I praise God, because he recognized, asked for forgiveness, and God forgave him. Now LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!
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